EBR Conversations Helpfuls
The following information can be used to support evidence-based conversations with your child.
Help your student locate the proficiency scales. These are essential for understanding your grade, assessment scores, and feedback. These scales are located on course descriptions. The "3" level of these scales is considered proficient and consistent achievement is the path to earning an A grade.
Encourage your student to fully comprehend the language and requirements of each proficiency scale in a course. A complete and thorough understanding of each scaled target is required for success in an EBR course. If your students don’t understand the language or requirements, encourage them to ask their teacher(s) for clarification.
Encourage your student to review the success criteria related to each proficiency scale. These criteria are communicated by the teacher and can change depending on the theme or topic of study. Understanding all the success criteria is important because these are the supporting skills and knowledge needed to demonstrate proficiency.
Advise your student to track their own level of proficiency often. Students in EBR courses are encouraged to track their own learning not only to build efficacy but also to see that building proficiency in any subject will have ups and downs until a trend is firmly established. Students must learn to accept the natural 'wave' of development and use it to grow.
Remind your student that they have time to grow to proficiency. Proficiency takes time. EBR is structured for this. One score of non-proficient (a 1) does NOT ruin the grade. EBR courses will always review the entire body of work FIRST to determine a grade, but the more recent scores of the body of work can help determine current trends in proficiency. In other words, students should always work to show their learning, but learning doesn’t happen for everyone at the same rate.
Adapted from myebrexperience.com
Questions to Ask Your Student
Use these questions on a regular basis to talk with your student about his or her learning.
In what standards or learning targets do you think you are you proficient in your learning? How do you know?
What standards or learning targets do you think you still need to learn? What part(s) of the learning target or success criteria do you still need to demonstrate?
When was the last time you practiced/worked on [standard or learning target]?
What feedback did you receive on [standard or learning target]? What questions did you ask?
When was the last time you were assessed (i.e. test, quiz, project) on [standard/learning target]?
What practice, studying and/or re-teaching opportunities have you completed in preparation for the next assessment opportunity?
Have you used free time to visit your teacher(s)?
Questions to Ask Your Student’s Teacher
If you are still seeking information after talking with your student, consider using the following questions:
What can I do to support my student in his or her learning?
When is the next opportunity my student will have to assess on [standard or learning target]?
What practice, studying and/or re-teaching opportunities should my student take advantage of related to [standard or learning target] before the next assessment?
Adapted from myebrexperience.com